You, Center Stage and In Demand

Are you sick of being on the sidelines in your career & creative business, and ready to step into the Spotlight with your work? I have your solution. Are you someone who feels like you’re in a constant hustle? I have your answer. Do you feel you have Big...


I got the phone call last week from the lab. Even as the words were coming out of the nurse’s mouth, I was having trouble processing. “We got your blood results back, and you’re pre-diabetic” But..I eat healthy, I dance and do yoga, I have good...

3 Creative Choices to Deal with Anything

When we are faced with adversity, challenges, and setbacks, it can be so easy to curl up.  We can feel deeply isolated and not know where to turn. This past week has been deeply heartbreaking not only for our country, but for humanity as a whole. We can feel helpless...