by Nikol | Oct 5, 2018 | Finding Peace and Ease
Do you ever feel like you are walking in circles? You see your Creative Dream in front of you, but no matter how hard you try, it feels like you will never GET THERE? You were told to devote time to Instagram, so you spent all this time and energy, and it hasn’t...
by Nikol | Sep 28, 2018 | Building Confidence
Have you ever been right before your biggest dream, and felt completely stuck? Have you had your deepest desire right in FRONT of you, and found yourself frozen in place, unable to move forward? And inside your head, you are screaming, What is wrong with me? Why does...
by Nikol | Mar 27, 2017 | Taking Joyous Action
Everything we do, we do as an attempt to meet a NEED. What could those needs be? Connection Choice Play Well-Being Meaning In essence, your Needs equal your Life Force, it’s what you want in your life. It’s what you want in your Art and Creativity. When...